Saturday, April 15, 2006


Kleenex wins Rotten Carrot Award Of The Week

Poor Web Rabbit has a nasty head cold, mostly sneezing and sniffling. So I bought some of the new Kleenex Antiviral tissues (as tissues go, Kleenex are usually nice and soft on poor sore noses).

But Noooo!!!! I wiped my poor streaming nose, and it was like rubbing sandpaper on it. I looked at the box, and have you ever heard anything so stupid? Firstly, there's a list of ingredients (90% tissue lol!) and an expiration date, which is odd in itself. Worse, the other ingredients are, wait for it, sodium laurel sulphate, and lo, CITRIC ACID!!!

I actually found using rough old loo roll and kitchen roll hurt less than this.

So Kleenex, why on earth did you not put a warning on the box - "not suitable for use with broken skin". You know, like you get round your nose when you've got a cold.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Work Sucks!

Well, it totally does. It blows too. Trees get taken out in their thousands and blood pressures are pushed to their limits, and lives are stifled and so much time is wasted, and it's all in the name of pointless admin for a reason that I certainly can't make sense of.

Well, the things we sell don't give a monkey's. They sit there in their splendour, and sometimes people come and do things with them, and look at them, sometimes the lights are turned off. Are they bovvered?

I think not.

Numbered days methinks. Time to do something about it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Entry Number One

Ah, my first post. Not going to spend any time on it right now, I'm off to see what else there is there is to play with on this site, laters!

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