
This is the GitHub Pages site for Motivesoft, started and run by me as a little hobby project and a place to store some of my recent projects and the websites that I have created to support my wife's digital art and other projects.

Anything I do that is not hosted in some way by GitHub will be referenced on the main Motivesoft site.


Motivesoft website

This project holds the public Motivesoft website code and contained projects. The site also contains some projects requiring backend web services, which this Github site page doesn't offer.

Zen Doodles By Catherine

The zen doodles website offers free downloads of zen doodle, mandala and other designs as PDF and PNG. Print or save the images and colour them in.


The @condaluna website offers free collection of stickers, GIF, wallpapers and fonts to download or use in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter stories.


This website is a tribute for virtual pets containing lots of information about Tamagotchis, Nano Babies etc. original created in the late 90s.


Github Pages

This is the project for the Motivesoft Github Pages site, which includes this page.

Visual Studio Marketplace

Motivesoft page listing software released for use with Visual Studio Code and the Visual Studio IDE.

Open VSX Registry

Motivesoft page listing software released for use with open source variants of Visual Studio Code.

Utilities and Extensions


A partner utility for the Windows 'clip' command. Writes the current clipboard contents to the output stream or console.

UUID Generator

A Visual Studio Code extension for creating Unique Universal Identifers (UUID), available from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

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